Leading People To Jesus


We are a connected network of pastors and churches across Perry County, Mississippi seeking to accomplish Great Commission work.

Ministry opportunities for both pastors and church members that open the door to community engagement with the Gospel.

A cooperative relationship and understanding that you are not alone in ministry. We strongly believe that we are truly better together.


Find a Church

Arlington Baptist Church
25 Arlington Church Rd. Beaumont, MS 39423
service times
Sunday School 10 AM
Worship 11 AM / 5 PM
Wednesday 7 PM


DOn heiden

Associational Missionary


Rocky puls

Administrative Assistant


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upcoming events

Click each event to learn more about what's going on around Perry County!

September 28 || 4 to 6 PM 

PCBA Block Party 

Richton town square 

Free food, games and music by PCBA Churches

October 13 - 16 

Sunday || 6 PM 

Monday - Wednesday || 7 PM

Are you ALL IN? That is the question that we hope you will be able to answer during some special services at our churches from October 13 to the 16.

On Sunday night, these services will be held at 6 PM and on Monday through Wednesday we will meet at 7 PM. See the list below for the times and locations for each service.

Our Perry County Baptist Association Churches and communities will be blessed 4 nights in a row, in 16 different churches, by 4 different teams of missionaries, evangelists and worship teams.

Here’s the list of Speakers and Worship teams.

Team one: Father and Son team, Pastors Jackie and Paul Spell with Worship Leader Terry Dewitt. Brother Jackie is Pastor of Brewer Baptist Church and Brother Paul is Pastor of Memorial Baptist Church. Together this father and son team lead mission trips to Peru. Brother Terry is the Worship Leader for our Association and for Brewer Baptist Church.

Team two: Brother Anthony O’Neal with Worship Leader Mac Duren. Brother Anthony is Pastor of Good Hope Baptist Church and formerly worked with the North American Mission Board (NAMB). Brother Mac is an awesomely talented musician and singer, and he is currently a student at William Carey University.

Team three: Brother Mike and Sister Sandra Little with Worship being led by Pastor Aaron Bolling and his wife sister Ashley. Brother Mike and Sister Sandra are full time missionaries in Guatemala. Brother Aaron Bolling is Pastor of First Baptist Church Runnelstown and he and his wife, Sister Ashley, are awesomely talented musicians and singers.

Team four: Evangelist Sammy Gilbreath with Worship being led by Brother Kenny and Sister Tabitha Keeton. Brother Sammy spoke at our Mississippi Baptist Evangelism Conference in January of this year with one of the most powerful messages on personal evangelism that I have heard. Brother Kenny and his wife Tab are awesomely talented musicians and singers.

Here is the schedule and location for each service:

Sunday, October 13, 6:00 PM – we will be at the following locations:

Eastside Baptist Church, 12 Eastside Church Rd, Richton, Ms 39476 – Team 1 will lead this service

First Baptist Church Runnelstown, 9211 Hwy 42, Petal, Ms 39465 – Team 2 will lead this service

Thompson Hill Baptist Church, 27 Little Creek Rd, Beaumont, Ms 39423 – Team 3 will lead this service

First Baptist Church New Augusta, 400 First St, New Augusta, Ms 39462 – Team 4 will lead this service

Monday, October 14, 7:00 PM – we will be at the following locations:

Loop Road Baptist Church, 875 Whitfield Rd, Richton, Ms 39476 – Team 1 will lead this service

First Baptist Church Beaumont, 1012 First St, Beaumont, Ms 39423 – Team 2 will lead this service

Janice Baptist Church, 2035 Hwy 29, Brooklyn, Ms 39425 – Team 3 will lead this service

Brewer Baptist Church, 24 Otho Sellers Rd, Richton, Ms 39476 – Team 4 will lead this service

Tuesday, October 15, 7:00 PM – we will be at the following locations:

Seminary Baptist Church, 66 Hintonville Rd, Beaumont, Ms 39423 – Team 1 will lead this service

Memorial Baptist Church, 271 Memorial Church Rd, Richton, Ms 39476 – Team 2 will lead this service

Good Hope Baptist Church, 69 Good Hope Church Rd, Richton, Ms 39476 – Team 3 will lead this service

Indian Springs Baptist Church, 185 Walter Myers Rd, Petal, Ms 39465 – Team 4 will lead this service

Wednesday, October 16, 7:00 PM – we will be at the following locations:

Memorial Baptist Church, 271 Memorial Church Rd, Richton, Ms 39476 – Team 1 will lead this service

First Baptist Church Richton, 400 Elm St, Richton, Ms 39476 – Team 2 will lead this service

Buck Creek Baptist Church, 907 Buck Creek Rd, Richton, Ms 39476 – Team 3 will lead this service

Arlington Baptist Church, 25 Arlington Church Rd, Beaumont, Ms 39426 – Team 4 will lead this service

Each night, churches from that part of Perry County, will come together under one roof, to be encouraged. Hebrews 10:“24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: 25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.[1]

Will you lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily besets you to come out, be encouraged, then run the race that God has set before you? Hebrews 12 “Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.[2]

I look forward to seeing you in the great harvest!

Don Heiden, AMS, PCBA, www.perrycountymsbaptists.com, 601-964-3708

[1] The Holy Bible: King James Version, Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version. (Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 2009), Heb 10:24–25.

[2] The Holy Bible: King James Version, Electronic Edition of the 1900 Authorized Version. (Bellingham, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 2009), Heb 12.

October 17 || 7 PM 

Join us for our PCBA Quarterly Executive Council Meeting at the association office.
October 21 || 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Family Life Center
FBC Richton

Our Speaker will be Paul Spell 
October 24 || 6 - 8:15 PM 
FBC Wiggins 
219 2nd St N, Wiggins, MS 39577
October 28 || 1:30 - 4 PM
FBC Jackson, MS
October 29 - 30 || 8 AM TUESDAY - 12 PM WEDNESDAY 

Life recovery || rahab's house

Getting free from your addiction. Take the only road that leads away from your addiction.

The story of Rahab is found in the Bible in the book of Joshua. She was a prostitute who realized who God was and it changed her heart. God used her

to help His people take the city of Jericho. Rahab and her family were spared from death because she chose to serve God instead of serving her own desires.

We chose the name Rahab's House because it is a place of safety and salvation. People can meet here, face their addiction, and discover God's

amazing grace. God loves you! God never intended for an addiction to take over your life. Our prayer is that people will see how their addiction can be

defeated. Leading them to the Cross will lead them to a life God intended for them to have. As recovery from addiction begins to happen a person will see how much control they really have over their own life. The choices we make lead us down roads. We can choose a road of addiction or we can choose a Road to Recovery!

This is a 12-Step biblical approach in helping you on your road to addiction recovery. Rahab's House is not a place to live but a place to meet. We will help you to get your life back to what it was before your addiction or to something new and better for you. Where the road leads you is up to you. We are here to help you along the way with every step and with every challenge you may face. We can only show you how a life with Jesus is the true road to recovery. What you decide to do on that road will be up to you.

Jesus said, "Come unto Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." - Matthew 11:28 (NLT)

Our Life Recovery meetings will be held on Tuesday nights from 7:00pm until all needs are met at 301 N. Holly Street in Richton, MS 39476Meetings are also held in the Perry County Jail, where we have seen many come to Christ and follow through with Baptisms. If you have any questions please feel free to call Perry County Baptist Association: 601-964-3708

Each year federal, state and local government spend close to $500 billion on addiction and risky substance use, but for every dollar that federal and state government spends, only 2 cents goes to prevention and treatment. More than 90% of people with addictions began smoking, drinking or using drugs before the

age of 18. 1 in 7 Americans over the age of 12 has an addiction to nicotine, alcohol or drugs. (Stats were found at: www.casacolumbia.org)

For additional information call:

Pastor Herbert Wiggers || 601-964-0205

Ms. Rocky Puls || 601-912-2229

"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change the courage to change

the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
